Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

One of the greatest issues with doing a blog about work is that you end up not being able to write out everything. Too much extra work :P... I have however, found a better way to do this. Happened while I joined the 2nd ever Waterloo-Laurier C3 Conference(

I had an idea.

I will be moving everything to wikipedia, into its own sections that I will call Wikicademy (was thinking Wikitextbook, but...)
Here's what I propose for Wikicademy:
1. Specific course related sample questions + answers Library for courses.
2. Lessons written by students/professors/professionals for students. Cites Wikipedia sources, and links to additional learning material (eg. Khanacademy).
3. Written for specific courses
4. Written for 1. students to LEARN the material using as little time as possible; and 2. students to LEARN the material fully in a time efficient manner.
5. Can be learned from like an online opensource Textbook.

I will be writing up Calculus I, Math 127 myself (at least part of it) on Wikipedia myself. Once I get Wikipedia to notice, I will propose this idea to them.

Sorry I didn't do the physics questions like I said I would last yr... I got a 51% and I didn't actually know what I was talking about.

Happy 3rd Day of school to the rest of you folks :)